Used Sources

Here we present the printed sources in which the testimonies whose abstracts our site provides can be found. Users of our website who can read in Czech, Slovak, or Romani are strongly encouraged to read the original testimonies in these publications. Some of these publications are still available for purchase, in which case there is a link below the title to the online-store that offers the publication. The remaining titles can be borrowed from some libraries.

Ctibor Nečas (ed.): Nemůžeme zapomenout – Našťi bisteras: nucená táborová koncentrace ve vyprávěních romských pamětníků (We Cannot Forget - Našt'i bisteras: Forced labour in concentration camps in the narratives of Romani survivors)

Published by the Faculty of Education, Palacký University, Olomouc 1994

The main part of the book consists of recollections of wartime persecution related by 31 Roma from the Czech lands.

Milena Hübschmannová (ed.): „Po židoch cigáni.“ Svědectví Romů ze Slovenska 1939–1945 ("After the Jews, the gypsies." Testimonies of Roma from Slovakia 1939-1945)

Published by Triáda publishing house, Prague 2005.

This book – the first volume of a collection of Slovak Roma memories of World War II – has as its title the slogan of the Hlinka Guards at that time, "Po židoch cigáni"( "After the Jews, the Gypsies").

Jana Kramářová et al. (eds): (Ne)bolí. Vzpomínky Romů na válku a život po válce (It does [not] hurt. Roma memories of the war and of life after the war)

Published by Člověk v tísni (People in Need), Prague 2005

The book is a collection of testimonies from Romani people whose narratives are divided into the period before the war, during the war, and the years after the war.

Martin Fotta, Ingrid Vagačová (eds): Rómovia a druhá svetová vojna. Čítanka (The Roma and World War II. A Reader)

Milan Šimečka Foundation, Bratislava 2006

The fate of the Roma in Slovakia during World War II is presented in a mosaic of specialist texts and testimonies of Romani Holocaust survivors.

Jana Horváthová et al. (eds), jsou těžké vzpomínky. Vzpomínky Romů a Sintů na život před válkou a v protektorátu [...these are painful memories. Reminiscences of Roma and Sinti about life before the war and during the Protectorate]

Published by Větrné mlýny publishing house and Museum of Romani Culture, Brno 2021

This extensive publication, published for the Museum of Romani Culture, is compiled primarily from the Roma and Sinti survivors’ reminiscences about World War II on the territory of the Protectorate and about the functioning of the so-called gypsy camps at Lety u Písku and Hodonín u Kunštátu.

Memoáry romských žen [Memoirs of Romani women]

Published by Muzeum romské kultury [The Museum of Romani Culture], Brno 2004

The publication presents two autobiographical stories of Romani women who were born during the 1920s and 1930s.

Romano džaniben: Časopis romistických studií [Journal of Romani Studies]

Romano džaniben , z. s.

The journal focuses on the language, history and culture of the Roma in the broadest sense of the word. In addition to scholarly articles, the magazine also publishes original works by Romani writers, portraits of Romani personalities and artists, memoirs, findings, reviews and annotations of specialized Romani literature, as well as fiction by Romani authors.

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